Those Good Old Days

Montreal, Canada

Is it just me or does it already feel like our current snowy landscape has been around for an eternity. Winter has come folks, and I've grown so pale I'm blending into the background perfectly. With the exception of my nostrils of course which have been brutalized by tissues to the point where...let's just say I could probably start raising money for HIV/AIDS research by selling them in their new colourway. I no longer remember a time where I could breath properly, or could climb a flight of stairs without being out of breath, and am constantly either hypothermic or sweating profusely without ever finding a happy medium. Remember when Joey's weird roommate Eddie on Friends turned out to be a dehydrating maniac, well I'm pretty sure I could only feel dryer by living in his fruit torturing machine.

Ok you get it, I'm congested, thermally unbalanced, and in dire need of some kind of humid climate. It's crazy how every year Winter surprises us Canadians as if we've never lived here before. I find myself saying "was it  this cold last year" on the daily, and don't understand how my ancestors didn't take mater into their own hands decades ago and move their future descendants to the Bahamas. Not sure if they were given options before getting on the boat from Ireland, but if they were, let's just say they made a big mistake...HUGE. In these moments there are only so many things a girl can do. I've resorted to venting on the internet, spending most days in my basement playing Super Mario Odyssey, and reflecting on the good old days when the grass was still visible and not slowly dying under think sheets of powdered cold stuff. Speaking of which these photos, were taken in the end of September, where if I recall correctly, I began complaining about it being a little chilly. If only I knew then what I know now....

Christian Dior necklace, Balmain cargo vest, dress from Winners, Prada Cahier bag, and Tod's creepers.